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These are the places where we like to be

Where we like to eat

A good shoarma from  Crunch

The best burger from  Aida

Very best chicken basket at  Renaissance

If you are comming from hungarian Kelebia, the perfect roll with kajmak from Milka at  Határcsárda
My favorite pizza at  Piccolo ' s

If you want to order, our favorite restaurant is Renaissance , they deliver to Kelebija

Eating a Meal

Try this

A horse-drawn carriage ride from Ergela, we tried it too A wonderful walk in Majur

There are also Hungarian performances in the Jadran theater in Subotica

A little swim in Topolya 

Sunbathing in the sandy steppe of Bácska at Majdan

A romantic sunset walk by Lake Palics but you can also cycle around

A couple of laps running in Dudova Šuma, so peaceful

We also recommend

To be togetrher with your loved ones, and just listen to the nature


The Town Hall , the Raichle Palace and the Synagogue are all exceptional works.

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